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Birgit here again. You made a wise decision to invest in the Expert Internet Women interview series.

To reward you for such a good decision I'd like to make a special offer to you right now that you'll only see once. It's a special invitation to join our Internet Wealth Building Club at a huge discount. Normally this is $49 a month but you can lock yourself in at $27 a month or even $16.58 a month... depending on the option you choose below.

You will want to take advantage of the Internet Wealth Building Club because...


It's Perhaps The Single Greatest Web Resource For Continual Education On Growing Your Internet Marketing Business!

Here's what you get when you sign up today for this special one time offer.

First, you will get a 1 hour LIVE coaching session each month with my husband Eugene and me. This is a great deal because Eugene is a bit of a technical wizard, and he can help you with any technical hurdle you experience as you go about growing your business online.

Of course, I will be on the call as well... giving you the latest tips and strategies to help you with your business development so you can unlock your profit potential.

These calls are live and you get to ask us direct questions, and we give direct answers as they apply specifically to your situation.


This is one of the reasons the Internet Wealth Building Club is so valuable - it's the personal touch.

These calls will be recorded and archived in the member's area so you can access them for as long as you stay a member of the Internet Wealth Building Club. Sweet!

That alone is worth the NORMAL $49 monthly rate regular members invest.

And when you act today you can lock in your membership dues at just $27 or even $16.58 a month. This is why I'm so happy to bring you this incredible deal.


And it gets better...

Besides the hands on coaching with Eugene and me each month, you also get a fresh new 1 hour interview each month.

Clearly, you see the power of listening to experts being interviewed and spilling their cash generating secrets... otherwise you wouldn't have signed up for the Expert Internet Women interview series.

Now you get a new 1 hour interview each month. Eugene and I will find a wonderful expert each month to share with you specific skills to help you do one thing - make more money! So you'll be constantly getting a new stream of GREAT ideas to give yourself a pay raise each and every month.

These calls will be recorded and archived and available to you as long as you are a member of the Internet Wealth Building Club.

You can see this alone is worth far, far more than the small investment you make to try out the Internet Wealth Building Club. It's already a great deal, especially since we're giving you our "one time offer" only special pricing.

Now let's make it irresistible to you. Besides getting live coaching each month, and a new interview with an expert each month... What else can we give you?

How about access to...


The Largest Internet Marketing Video Tutorial Training Series! (318 Videos!)

Yes, as soon as you lock yourself in at the lowest membership rate today with this one time offer, you'll get immediate access to 318 training videos.


Again, this is worth many, many times the small monthly fee to join.

In these videos, you'll discover things such as:


  • 29 easy design tricks to boost your sales
  • Instant squeeze page mastery to quickly and easily build your list
  • How to explode your email list 5 different ways to make huge, quick profits
  • How to get other people to happily and eagerly send traffic to you with no strings attached
  • A line of code to put on your websites that can increase sales as much as 10 times (or more!)
  • How to make Google LOVE your websites and reward you by sending hordes of search engine traffic
  • The secret to building huge niche keyword lists that bring in ridiculous cash - all with free tools!
  • How to create a full "money getting" website in less than 30 minutes
  • How to create high quality info products on almost any subject... even if you know nothing about it!
  • How to make your websites "update themselves" so you can make money on auto-pilot
  • And more!


To see a description of each video, click here (opens in a new window)

Are You Crazy Birgit? All This for As Little As $16.28 a Month?

Actually, that's not entirely accurate. In addition to the live coaching, the interview with the expert each month, and the 318 training videos, you get MORE.

You also get Eugene's personal resource list. This is a list of all the tools and services he uses in his business (huge time saver!).

You get tons of additional downloads such as ebooks, software, templates, tools and even "businesses in a box" that you get rights to use and sell - and keep 100% of the profits!

You get articles prewritten for you that you can use in many different niches as content for your website, blog and article marketing campaigns.

And other goodies as well. Too much value to describe here. You have to sign up to see for yourself all the great things we have for you in the Internet Wealth Building Club.


What Level of Membership Do You Want?

You have two options today.

You can sign up now at this "one time only" special price of $27 per month (a savings of $22 a month off the regular price!) or you can take advantage of our "super savers deal" and get a whole YEAR up front for just $199. That comes out to just $16.58 per month for the year. And a savings of $389 off the regular $49 a month price the public has to pay to invest in our Internet Wealth Building Club.

The super savers "one year" deal also gets you immediate access to the whole year's training immediately. I'd encourage you to take the one year deal, as it is the best bargain.


You Can Cancel Any Time.

As long as you're with us, for your convenience you will be billed automatically every 30 days just $27. Or, if you take the super savers "one year" special, you're only billed once for $199.

If you choose to pay monthly, and wish to cancel at any time... You can and it's easy. Just contact Eugene or me (we'll give you instructions after you sign up) and we'll cancel you at any time and you will be billed nothing further.


This Is the ONLY TIME You Will See This Offer.

You are seeing this special offer because you invested in the Expert Internet Women interview series... So to reward you we are making you this special deal to get into the Internet Wealth Building Club at either $27 a month (instead of $49) or a one time payment of $199 for a whole year's membership.

So you should sign up now, because if you leave this page you will not be able to get access to this offer again. So go ahead and choose the option below that makes the most sense to you, and I'll see you in the member's area.



To Sign Up For $27 a Month Click the Button Below:


To Sign Up For Full Year at Just $199 Click the Button Below:

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No Thanks Birgit, I will Pass On This Incredible 'One Time Only' Special...