Why So Few Women Succeed Online...
And What To Do About It!
New White Paper Reveals The Answer
For Empowering Women To Succeed In 2010!

By Birgit Ratz-Cheung
I hope you realize how incredibly easy it is... for an empowered woman... to make a small fortune on the
No, I'm not saying you can get rich quick. But you can get rich relatively quick...
Provided you have two things - first, a desire. Second, the right models and mentors to trust... and listen
to... who will share with you exactly how to do it.
However, there's a problem. If you've ever looked at the "how to"
information on making money online... you'll notice it's dominated by men. No, I'm not a man hater (ask my
But I'm not so naive as to think... the way most of these "guru" men teach... perhaps...
Isn't the best way for a woman to build significant wealth Online...
At least not in the easiest... fastest... and MOST HONEST way.
Here's why. First, let's just look at the name of some of their training courses. You'll see terms like...
- "How to Assassinate Google"
- "How to become a twitter SNIPER"
- "Internet Marketing CRUSHER'"
And so on.
I don't know about you - I don't want to assassinate, snipe, crush, dominate, smash, kill or annihilate
That stuff just doesn't resonate with me. It's way too masculine and "barbarian" for my tastes... and if
that's how they choose to market THEIR OWN products... what are they going to teach me?
And that's just for starters. Some of the methods they teach work absolutely great... but are just very
uncomfortable for me as a woman to use. Who wants to get rich if you have to sell your soul in exchange?
Is there a better way? You bet!
If you want to find the best, easiest, simplest and quickest ways for an empowered WOMAN to succeed
online... what to you do?
You find empowering women online who are already making hundreds of thousands a year... and even MILLIONS or more... and you find out exactly how they do it. Then you do the same.
It's that simple.
That's where problem #2 kicks in - you have to know where to look to find these women... and then somehow
convince them to share everything they know with you.
Trust me - it's hard! Because I did it. It took the greater part of the year... and a lot of traveling... and
money... and time... and schedule juggling... and willpower... and persistence... but I did it.
My name is Birgit Ratz-Cheung and I believe I have...
exactly what every empowered
woman is looking for...
who wants to amass a
respectable wealth of fortune online
I can't tell you the countless thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours to took me... but it's finally
I have 12 of the most successful women on the planet... most who make over a million dollars a year
online... and I've interviewed each and every one of them.... with one question?
Where Does The Money Come From?
The main reason I did this is simple - I want to be earning over a million dollars a year within the next 36
So I interviewed them for my own benefit. But also - I knew that if this momentous task could be completed -
then it'd be great to pass on to other women... like you... who would like to be able to
earn 6 or even 7 figures a year.
And wow did these interviews turn out great! And it's with great pleasure I introduce to you the
"Expert Internet Women"
Interview series...
Here are your 12 expert women mentors who will guide you to the wealth you deserve.
Carrie Wilkerson on How To Build A
6 Figure Online Business In 10 Months...
Carrie is a wonderful woman. She decided to start her online biz ON TOP of
her offline businesses... even though she has 4 kids, the youngest just 6 weeks old at the time.
And what happened?
In 10 months she was generating her first 6 figures online. She was even named "Internet Marketer of the
Year" at Yanik Silver's 2009 Underground Online Seminar - the first "rookie" and also the first woman to
ever earn that honor.
By her 2nd year, she was already doing a full 7 figures online. Yes - even with toddlers, teens and a
And not only did she get wealthy... she got healthy! During this transformation she
also lost 110 pounds! She's a remarkable and inspiring woman who you'll love listening to every word
On our interview she'll explain...
- Her personal "peak performance" secret... of how she can manage family, health and business all at
once... and how you can do the same...
- Carrie's secret to wealth transformation - and how she uses this "secret" to remotely run 5 different
companies almost on auto pilot - so she can still spend plenty of time with her husband and
- The woman's guide on how to use authenticity, warmth and care to become magnetic in your marketing
and personal interactions...
- Carrie also reveals how she lost 110 pounds AND got out of $100,000 in debt and turned it into seven
figures in two years!
- Also, the biggest reason why some women make themselves "immune to success" and guarantee their
failure... and what you can do to change this...
Rosalind Gardner On How She Made $436,797 In One Year Selling Other People's Stuff!
Rosalind has a unique model of success. She made her first $50,000+
month income... simply by marketing other people's products.
In fact she made $436,797 in one year selling other people's stuff!
Remarkable! And what's even more amazing is she had NO previous business experience.
And here's what Rosalind contends - ANYONE who is serious about their future can do the same thing.
And it's easy to believe her because of how simple she makes it. Quick example - she explains techniques like
this one.... if you promote an Elite TR66 Treadmill through MegaFitness's affiliate program... and make just one
sale... they will pay you a $649.50 commission.
You just have to know the best affiliate programs to join... and how to promote them to make the sales and
collect your commission checks. Rosalind shares that with you on this call... as well as...
- How her business model allows her to make over one million dollars a year... and the big secret
behind it...
- What Rosalind what do if you she had to start over from scratch... with zero contacts and zero
experience... and build back up to her million dollar a year business!
- How any woman can use her authentic personality to be her best tool to attract wealth and success
- Rosalind's step by step breakdown of her affiliate marketing model - which she used to make $436,797
in one year selling other people's stuff!
- And more!
Carol Tuttle On How She Turned An Offline
Business Into A Five Figure A Month
ONLINE Business On Near Auto Pilot
Carol is a unique woman with a unique story. She actually owns a brick and mortar
healing therapy business.
And guess what she did? She took it online!
You're going to love this interview because she talks about one of the best business models for women to
use on the internet - membership sites. She basically manifested a 5 figure a month RECURRING income stream...
with just a few simple but smart internet marketing methods.
Best of all it only takes a few hours per week to maintain... leaving her plenty of time with her 5
Carol will cover...
- The exact steps on how she created her online healing membership site which brings in over $20,000 a
month in reoccurring income...
- How your feminine, heartfelt nature can be your best chance of success online (and is a much better
approach than the chest-beating masculine driven marketing so many teach and use)
- Carol's single best piece of business advice for entrepreneurs who are just starting out
- How Carol created her online empire by developing real relationships with people through specific,
highly targeted email campaigns. Best Part – she breaks these campaigns down for you...
- How you can tune in to the "money patterns" in your life, so you can manifest the wealth you
- And more!
Mari Smith On How She Uses Facebook & Twitter
To Bring In As Much As $40,000 A WEEK!
Mari reveals how women can use Facebook and Twitter to create huge amounts of
Some of her techniques make her as much as $16,000 for a single hour of
work. Want to know how she does it?
She'll reveal her strategies to you on this special interview.
You'll also discover some of the techniques that allowed her to make as much as $40,000 a week - from facebook
and twitter! Her methods have made her an in-demand speaker on the topic of social media... and she has shared
the stage with amazing people from Tony Robbins to Paula Abdul!
You'll discover on this interview her motto - "relationships first, business second" and why it's so crucial to
your success.
Gina Gaudino Graves Shares How She Transformed A Client From $500 A Month To $30,000 A Month!
Gina, also known as The JV Queen, has a great approach anyone can use
- whether beginner or pro - to start making almost immediate money online.
The trick is to utilize what's known as "joint ventures"... where you get your message heard in front of
thousands of eager buyers, investors and customers who are perfectly targeted for whatever you're offering.
On this call Gina share with you...
- The 3 step process you can use to show you what business is perfect for YOU to start on the
- How to do research using a secret website so you can find out exactly what the buying habits are of the
niche you want to go after!
- Gina also shares with you a technique that helped one of her clients go from making $500 a month to
$30,000 a month.
- And more!
Stephanie Frank On Her "Millionaire" Touch For Rabid Business And Personal Growth
Stephanie started her first business at 19 - and grew it to
multi-millions. Then she started her second business... that one also grossed millions a year before she
sold it.
The reason she sold it was so she can turn her sights to her passion - helping people better, more empowered and
pleasurable lives.
She has the golden touch and is someone you want to listen to! In this interview she talks about...
- Why your marketing system is THE most important action to take to achieve high performance in your
- The first and most important step in your online marketing business - it's not what you
- The single biggest mistake women make when it comes to getting their message heard on the internet -
and how to avoid it...
- How to set up on an online business that can "do the work for you" so you can make money while on
- And much, much more!
Jane Mark On How To Use Advertising
To Go From Novice To Millions Online
Jane will show you how to use advertising to get traffic to your website.
Jane has enjoyed immense business success with her methods, including running a multimillion dollar real estate
partnership... and her own catering business.
She'll show you unique ways to get traffic to your website, including...
- A simple "gmail" secret for dramatically getting more productivity from your advertising...
- How to go from a internet marketing novice to making millions online a year - a step by step plan (she did
it, and now you can as well...)
- How to tap into your "intuitive voice" to unleash your passion in a way that attract wealth into
your life...
- The top 2 ways for a complete Internet Marketing newbie to "make a splash" and create a consistent stream
of income for themselves as quickly as possible...
Liz Tomey On How Women
Have A Hidden Advantage Online!
Liz can show you several different ways to make a great living online.
In fact, her methods made her so much money... her husband was able to quit his $70,000 a year job... to come
work with her!
On this call you'll find out:
- How women Internet Marketers can use their femininity to their advantage... and how it can play a
crucial role in your business success!
- Liz's personal mantra and philosophy for dominating niche markets and making a fortune in tiny,
obscure markets!
- Liz's detailed "Traffic Game Plan" that she uses to drive hordes of interested prospects to her
landing pages. Best Part – she doesn't pay for any of it!
- The brilliant "2 email address" strategy, and how it can help you save enormous amounts of time in your
day, and cut down on all the clutter in your inbox!
- And more!
Tracy Repchuck On How She Made Over $100,000 In 58 Days Without A List, Product Or Previous Experience!
Tracy is an inspiration. She made $100,000 on the internet in 58 days without an
list, her own product or any previous internet marketing background.
In fact, she won the "New Internet Marketing Success Of The Year" from the World Internet Mega Summit for
her efforts.
Since then, she has been a best selling author of "31 Days To Millionaire Marketing Miracles". This book is in
the top 4% "most sold" on Amazon's rankings for the last 1 1/2 years.
you'll discover on this interview...
- How Tracy made $100,000 in 58 days with no list, no product, and no Internet Marketing
- The secret to Tracy's "out of nowhere" online success! Hint – it was not the $67,000 she spent in
just 12 months of educating herself...
- Learn everything about membership sites so you can create your own reoccuring
monthly income
- The 5 elements that must be included in every lesson to make sure your membership site becomes a massive
- Tracy's personal email campaign sequence that allows you to get the maximum customer value from
every visitor to your website
- How she wrote and got her book in the top 4% in amazon.com rankings
- And more!
Christina Hills On Setting Up Your Business To
Take Orders And Run Smoothly
Christina is known as the "shopping cart queen". And in this interview,
she'll walk you through the best shopping cart to use... to take your orders online.
What's interesting is there is no "one size fits all" answer. In fact, as you listen to this audio you'll
- The top 3 shopping cart systems to use... for 3 different types of women entrepreneurs! (And how to
pick the one that's right for you)
- The absolute simplest and easiest way to set up your shopping cart to process orders and take
payments from your customers!
- The "order form checklist" to dramatically increase the odds your prospect will actually purchase
your product. Keep this at your elbow when creating your next order form...
- Christina's ultimate success secret! This is the same success principle that propelled this
Hollywood special effects artist – and stay at home mom – into an Internet Marketing guru...
Pat Marcello On Blogging Your Way To
A Ton Of FREE Traffic And Sales
Pat's going to show you how to use blogging - to make an easy and nice profit
online. In fact, she'll show you how to do so in just minutes per day.
You'll also discover...
- The fastest and most effective ways to make your blog search engine friendly, which will drive a ton
of natural and organic traffic to your site!
- The biggest mistakes that you might be making with social bookmarking, pinging,and selling advertising on
your blog and how to avoid them
- How to choose keywords so you rank high in the search engines and get lots of free
traffic! (These are the secrets she used to get Tellman Knudson in the #1 position on the first page of all
3 search engines, for a competitive keyword!)
- A step-by-step process Pat personally uses to keep her blogs highly trafficked...
- How to use video and audio in your blog posts to create a deeper sense of rapport, connection, and
familiarity with your audience!
- And more!
Liz Roberts On How She Consistently Brings In $50,000+ A Month Having Others Do Her Work For Her!
Liz has quietly been bringing in over $50,000 every month consistently - all from
her internet marketing efforts.
And guess what?
Liz doesn't have her own product and is no expert in "driving web traffic" to her sites. She actually uses an
interesting technique to get others to do the work for her... (you'll love this!)
In fact, because of her success, Liz won Russell Brunson's "Online Marketer Of The Year" Award in 2007.
In this interview, you'll discover...
- How to automate your business to the point where you can take extended time away from your
operations, and come back to find it – not just surviving – but thriving!
- The ONE outsourcing resource/company you NEED to know about - that provides consistently great work,
customer service, a variety of web-related skill-sets, and strong English skills...
- How to manage a team of outsourcers, including writers, back-linkers, programmers, and project managers,
who can all work to build your online business FOR you...
- And more!
Here's How You Get Your Hands On This Wonderful Interview Series...
First, it only requires a small $97 deposit. Here's what I want you to do. Sign up below to get it... and it
will be immediately delivered to you digitally in mp3 format with the word for word transcripts.
Just pick 1 interview to listen to right away - and if you don't feel like you already feel like you've gotten a
bargain for just $97... from listening to just 1 interview...
Contact me and I'll return your $97 deposit.
Heck, we'll give you even a full 30 days to
listen to all the interviews risk-Free!
Use them to start building your business. And at any time for any reason... or no reason at all... you don't
feel like you've gotten ten times your investment back today...
I will promptly and quieting return every penny of your purchase... whether 1 hour from now or 30 days from now
and any time in between. But I know you're going to want to keep this interview series for life once you hear it.
And any way you look at it - $97 is an awesome deal for all the knowledge you'll acquire.
It cost me thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours just to get these women on the phone. Heck the
transcripts alone cost me a pretty penny. And the sheer effort I put into this month in and month out was
But this was a labor of love for me... and something that I want to share with you - that's why I am offering
this at such a good deal of just $97.
You know - if you took the hourly rate these women charge for consulting...
it'd cost you over $3000 to
get this information on your own!
And even then, it'd be worth it.
But you only have to put up just $97 to get your hands on this training. And again - you risk nothing - because
if you're not satisfied I demand you ask for your $97 back and I will return every penny of it to you.
You only stand to gain when you say yes to this offer right now. And as soon as you feel out the acceptance
form, you'll immediately gain access to these interviews.
Act Now And Also
Get These 2 Bonuses...
Bonus #1 - The Nuts And Bolts Of Online Marketing
My husband Eugene is a wizard when it comes to the "technical stuff" you need
online. While some of you are probably familiar with this, we wanted to make sure everyone was on the same
So we have a huge reference guide for you... if you ever need any help. In this thorough bonus my husband Eugene
covers things such as setting up your website, basic internet marketing terms, uploading files to your website and
Here are the topics Eugene outlines in this 4 hour audio course:
Step #1 – Internet Marketing Basics - Step #1 is simply learning the “basics” of Internet Marketing.
You'll discover exactly what you need to get started instantly, how to become an affiliate or sell your own
products, how to do keyword research, and much more.
Step #2 – Choosing Your Website – Which type of website should you create, and how do you create it? In
step 2 Eugene explains it all and clues you in on exactly what you should do when you start building and creating
websites that make you money.
Step #3 – Creating A System – Another secret of the Internet is that you need to create a system if you
want to make money. Do this, do that, then finish up with the last thing. If you don't have a system in place
you're going to waste countless hours, but when you have a system you only have to worry about 1 thing...making
money that will create the life you're meant to be living.
Step #4 – Setting Up Your Website– One of the major aspects of Internet Marketing that many people get
hung up on and spend hundreds of wasted hours trying to get right is setting the website up. If you don't know how
to do it, you'll be wasting time you could spend making money. That's why Eugene will take you through the steps
and make it as easy as sipping cocktails on the beach.
Step #5 – Generating Traffic – By now everything is set up and you just have to get visitors to the
website. In step 5 Eugene will show you various ways, both paid and free, which you can implement immediately for
some instant traffic to your website. And what does traffic mean? It means money!
Bonus #2 - Word For Word Transcripts Of All Interviews
These serve two purposes. First, you can follow along with the interview if you wish, to better help you absorb
the information you hear from these wonderful, wealthy business women.
Second, they make great "quick reference guides". Meaning any time you need to reference something, you can pull
out one of these digital transcripts and have it at your finger tips in seconds.
You Have Two Choices Today
The first is to wonder... wonder what your true potential is... and what you truly are capable of as an
empowered woman. You can stay in your comfort zone, and keep getting what you've always got in the past.
Or option two - you can get your hands on this wonder interview series now - and transform your life
today. You risk nothing because of our "100% satisfaction guarantee". And you only stand to gain as our expert
panel of 12 empowered women share with you the secrets they used to transform their lives... and reach their true
potential in life.
I think the choice is obvious. Go ahead and sign up below now - this will be one of the best decisions you've
ever made...
Yes! Birgit I Want In!
I understand I will be getting these twelve interviews on...
- How to build a 6 figure biz online in 10 months by Carrie Wilkerson
- How Rosalind Gardner Made $436,797 In 1 Year Selling Other People's Stuff
- How To Turn An Offline Biz Into A Passive 5 Figure A Month Online Biz by Carol Tuttle
- How Mari Smith Makes As Much As $40,000 A Week With Facebook And Twitter
- How Gina Gaudino Graves Turned A Client From $500 to $30,000 A Month
- The Millionaire Touch for Rapid Business & Personal Growth by Stephanie Frank
- Jane Mark's "how to go from novice to millionaire online"
- How women can leverage their presence on the internet by Liz Tomey
- How Tracy Repchuck Went from ZERO to $100,000 In 58 days
- The Best Online Shopping Carts to Use By Christina Hill
- Pat Marcello on blogging your way to traffic and sales
- And how Liz Roberts brings in $50,000 a month having other do most of the work for her
- Plus 2 extra bonuses

Order with confidence on 100% secure servers

Go ahead and sign up and I'll see you on the other side!
To Your Success!

Birgit and Eugene

Click Here to Order Expert Internet Women Now!
P.S. - Please remember, we won't be able to keep this offer open indefinitely. Make a
decision while the opportunity is still on the table, or else you might miss out forever.